Giessenhaus LLP

Pavlodar (Kazakhstan)

SibEnergoGroup LLC

Novosibirsk (Russia)

MegaCom Group of Companies

Novosibirsk (Russia)

SibInvestGroup LLC

Novosibirsk (Russia)

Kurylys-Zhoba Service LLP

Pavlodar (Kazakhstan)

About the company

Forwoll Group is an international innovation company that implements projects in the following areas: power, industry, medicine, utilization and processing of solid domestic waste, global communication. Our technological solutions imply a complex approach. All projects are developed with account of specifics of a certain territory, local laws and traditions. We offer both ready-made solutions for your business and development of new technologies, competent audit of your enterprise and a quality investment strategy.

In our work we adhere to the three main principles that provide not only financial benefit for enterprises but also correct positioning, potential and safety. We create the new, not breaking the system of traditions and values that has formed on the territory. We are in favor of variety and complexity of the world. That’s why every project is adapted and changed to a certain region. We work for people. The world practice shows that those companies are on top which set global objectives of improving the quality of life. All this can be done, observing the balance of the interests, not sacrificing the profit, making a contribution to the economy and culture at the same time.

News and Releases


Giessenhaus LLP

Pavlodar (Kazakhstan)

Authorities, business and scientific community are interested in the creation of an aluminium production cluster in Pavlodar Region today. All the prerequisites have formed for that: there are raw material resources and free labor resources, the r... Read more

SibEnergoGroup LLC

Novosibirsk (Russia)

The SibEnergoGroup Group of Companies (SIBENERGOGROUP) is working on the market of engineering services of Russia, the CIS countries, the near abroad. Our specialists are ready to solve the following tasks: development of feasibility... Read more

MegaCom Group of Companies

Novosibirsk (Russia)

The MegaCom Group of Companies is a professional operator of telecommunication services for business. Today MegaCom GC owns 1,000,000 m of optical fiber lines of communication that were constructed with the application of modern technologie... Read more

SibInvestGroup LLC

Novosibirsk (Russia)

The range of competences of the staff of SibInvestGroup MC covers not only the investment activity itself, but also engineering work that is performed in close cooperation with our partners and companies that are members of the holding. The... Read more

Kurylys-Zhoba Service LLP

Pavlodar (Kazakhstan)

It is an engineering company that is a member of the group of companies of SibEnergoGroup CJSC (Russia). The company provides a full complex of engineering services for power industry facilities (electric networks, stations and substations, heat a... Read more
