Video control for a dairy store

MegaCom has implemented a project for a chain of dairy stores. The Customer applied to MegaCom with a task to organize a system to control the work of the sellers and the financial operations.


MegaCom offered to organize a system of remote video control in the stores. One video control camera was installed in every store, that covered the zone of the cash register, the weighing machine, the counter and the refrigerator with the products.

What changed?

Video control made it possible to increase the efficiency of work of the sellers: they started to leave the work place only in accordance with the time schedule, they started to tell every customer about sales promotions and new products. The head got an opportunity to control the customer service quality and the financial operations. In addition, the remote video control made it possible to monitor the operation of the business without attending the point of sales, which substantially saved the time of the head.

After the video control was installed and the records were analyzed, it was determined that the sellers cheated the customers on the weights and sell the remaining part of the products bypassing the cash register. The head was able to make decisions on the basis of the confirmed objective information, which had a positive impact on the profit.


In the process of checking the sellers by means of video records, it was found out that the sellers often are absent during the break more than the established 10 minutes and lose customers. Before the camera was installed, the head was not able to monitor how much time an employee was absent from the work place. If a seller is absent from the work place for 1 hour, the store loses about 10 customers on the average. The average purchase amount is 100 rubles. Thus, the store lost about 1,000 rubles of revenue per day, which was 30,000 rubles of revenue per month.
