Medicine textiles processing complex
Medicine textiles processing complex
Modern medicine textiles is a guarantee of comfort for a doctor and safety for a patient. Its treatment should comply with the WHO standards that are given in the corresponding regulation documents. The compliance with these standards is provided by means of right technologies and equipment in the world practice. Today the share of expenses for the purchase and maintenance of medicine textiles is 3.5-4% of the total amount of expenses for public health care. Our experience of work with hospitals in Novosibirsk Region showed that the level of expenses for the processing of textiles in medical institutions in Russia is much higher than in Europe. The installment of modern high-technology equipment not requiring special skills of the personnel, a switch to the fully automated and controlled processing will make it possible to substantially reduce these expenses. We offer the opportunity to create workshops to process medicine textiles with washing machines of the barrier type in the medical institutions of Pavlodar Region. According to the European statistics, such machines reduce the probability of infection of the patients and visitors with hospital-acquired infections by 35%.
Washing machines of the barrier type mean:
Specialists of SIG GC together with the Administration of Health Care of Pavlodar Region have performed a preliminary study, in the process of which the urgency of the problem came into view, and solutions were planned.