SibEnergoGroup LLC

The SibEnergoGroup Group of Companies (SIBENERGOGROUP) is working on the market of engineering services of Russia, the CIS countries, the near abroad. Our specialists are ready to solve the following tasks:

  • development of feasibility studies for investments;
  • complex design of power industry facilities;
  • commissioning;
  • engineering support to projects;
  • development;
  • creation of automated systems of management of technological processes.

Activity of the Company

The activity of SibEnergoGroup GC is the professional rendering of a wide range of engineering services to power industry enterprises. Specialists of design institutes that are members of the GC can perform the following types of works:

  • development of feasibility studies of investments;
  • implementation of projects to construct and reconstruct power facilities, to increase capacity, to replace equipment;
  • commissioning and testing of equipment;
  • research and development (R&D);
  • engineering and introduction of automated control systems of technological processes;
  • services in the field of power and environment audit.

Continued study of the advanced European experience in the field of thermal power industry allows us to introduce economically effective and environmentally safe technologies in our projects.

A Separate Field of Our Activity — Research

The results of work of specialists of SibEnergoGroup were the creation and introduction into production of spark and arc ignition devices (ignition safety devices) for the ignition of coal boilers, as well as terminals of local automatics for the automation of technological processes of boiler equipment.
The design institute of KF KOTES in Pavlodar works as a member of the Group of Companies, with SibEnergoGroup JSC performing the coordination of activity and strategic guidance.

Close relations with foreign partners are established, for example, the European experience in the power industry is studied with the help of the German company of RM Invest GmbH, joint projects with Clyde Bergemann GmbH, Loeshe GmbH and others are implemented.

Company website