MegaCom has confirmed its compliance with the world quality standard

The MegaCom Group of Companies has successfully passed certification under the standard of ISO 9001:2008, and once again confirmed its compliance with the requirements of the standard.

On the basis of results of the quality management system audit performed by auditors of the Russian division of SGS in February 2015, the certification body of SGS United Kingdom Ltd. issued a certificate under the British accreditation of UKAS for the period of 3 years. The field of certification included the activity of engineering and construction of communication facilities, creation and use of communication channels, as well as communication services.

Dmitry Kirillov, Director for Development of the MegaCom Group of Companies: “The external independent evaluation of activity is useful for any company, as it allows us to learn what we look like on the outside, including in the eyes of our clients. The certification procedure helps us regularly get such an evaluation, for us this is the main advantage of certification.”

Andrey Grinenko, Manager of the Ural-Siberian Branch of SGS Vostok Limited CJSC (SGS Group): “Over the six years from the moment the first certificate was issued, the quality management system of the MegaCom Group of Companies became more mature and efficient. The control of quality of the rendered services is provided by the high degree of automation of business processes. An effective system of strategic planning and target setting is introduced, that facilitates continual improvement.”