Video broadcast of the “VII Eurasian contest of professional choreographers and ballet masters”
Video broadcast of the “VII Eurasian contest of professional choreographers and ballet masters”
MegaCom GC acted as a partner of the VII Eurasian Contest of Professional Choreographers and Ballet Masters and provided video broadcast of the contest. Due to the broadcast, viewers from different countries of the world could watch the contest in real time mode. The number of views was 877 persons. The video broadcast increased the level of the event itself, since it evoked wide response on the part of Internet users and made it possible to assess all opportunities of modern technologies in practice.
Information on the contest
The grand opening of the VII Euroasian Contest of Professional Choreographers and Ballet Masters took place in the Palace of Culture of Railway Personnel in Novosibirsk on 01 February 2012. It is held by CID UNESCO together with the Section of Choreographers of Siberia, the Zvezda Fund of Support to Culture and Sports (Novosibirsk) and Ulanova Producer Center (Moscow).
The main objective of the contest is to support young talents in choreography, as well as to professionally and mutually grow through the contact of cultures and traditions of experienced dance masters.
The jury includes leading choreographers from Malta, Italy, Romania, China, Belarus and Russia. In addition, the performance of the participants were marked by the President of the World Dance Council of CID UNESCO of the UN, Professor Alkis Raftis.